Saturday, February 13, 2010


Just wanted to let you know how the training has been going. It has been tough trying to get in long workouts on days I work. I am working days right now, so I will sometimes get up a 3am and ride or workout. I can't get to the pool on days I work out because open swim starts at 8pm, and I am usually in bed by then. The swimming has been going well though. Today I did the 1000m times, and finished in 19:26. I will push myself a little more next time so I beat Nicole's time. To my surprise, swimming has probably become my favorite workout. I can't wait to get some open water swims. I am going to do a indoor Tri (Indoor Rainman Tri) in March, which consists of a 15min swim (as many laps as you can do), 30min on your bike on trainer (as many miles as you can go), and 1 lap around Green Lake. It should be pretty fun. I think Alan and I are going to do a Tri in Elma in April. It is a short one (400m swim, 15mile bike, and 3 mile run). Should be good to get used to transitions. I also have a few half marathons on the board, one of which is Monday in Bothell. I am crossing my fingers and hoping I can get June 12th off, since I will just be coming off FTO, and I am not sure what my schedule will be. See you guys in 120 days.