Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rochester End of Decade Race

I wasn't sure how my knee was going to feel, but it felt better than I thought it would. Alan and I completed the 10 mile run, and finished number 1 and number 2. Not sure how many signed up for the 10 mile, but it was fun. I originally signed up for the half marathon, and had planned on running it, but at mile 8 my knee started to tighten up. I did not want to risk further injury. I did want to beat Nicole's time though, and I probably would have. Look out Cole. I finished in 1 hour and 19 minutes, and Alan finished in 1 hour and 26 minutes. I look forward to the next race.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The first race is history

Ken and I had our first race together today. The race was called the Santa Marathon. Kendra ran the 5K while I ran the 10K. I'm very proud of Kendra she did great with a time of 35.00 flat. My time for the 10K was 50.33 / 8.11 minute mile pace. I pushed myself like you guys said too. I was 2nd overall in the race and 1st in my old age division.I am looking forward to next weedends race with Noel if his knee holds up. I will probably sign up for the 10 mile race. Thanks again trainers the hard work is paying off. You guys are right this stuff is addicting. Can't wait until the next one.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sunny and 80

Great week of training so far.  Other than it's still 80 degrees outside, I can't complain.  Swim and run  are feeling great.  I created a new bike trainer workout room equipped with a new LCD TV (w/ DVD).  It's great.  I pop in a movie and get my ride on.  
Remember, the Ironman World Championship is on TV this Saturday.  If you need a little more motivation for training make sure you tune in.  

Noel and Alan have their half marathon this weekend.  Good luck and I hope you guys crush it! 

Enjoy your cold indoor swim ladies!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Incredible Shrinking Man!

I got on the scale this morning and it said 205!!! I can't remember when I was that tiny...maybe freshman year in college? Could have something to do with the weekend workouts:
  • Saturday- 2 1/2 hr run, 50 minute bike, upper body weight circuit
  • Sunday- 2 hr bike, 1 hr run, lower body weight circuit
Nick, pretty soon everyone will certainly think we are twins!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

New Bike

Here are some pictures of my new bike. It is a 2006 not a 2009. The guy thought it was a 2009. Even though it is 3 years old, it is still in great shape. He put different wheels, and added new brakes. Unfortunately, I am not participating in the race today. I guess I am not the "Toughest". My knee has been bugging me the last three days, and I do not want it getting worse. I have the Rochester Half Marathon on the 27th, which I hope my knee is better by then.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Race on Sunday

Well Sunday should be fun. I dropped my mountain bike off to get tuned up. I have not rode a mountain bike since we went to Sun Mt. Lodge for my birthday. To make matters worse, the forecast for the day is rain, snow, and a chilly 38-40 degrees. The race starts at 10:30. I start with the run, which is 7.4 miles, then go the bike, which is around 15-20 miles. I guess the race is called "Who's the Toughest" for a reason. There are also some pretty good athletes that have signed up for the race. You can check out the blog at www.koreevents.blogspot.com. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Most Improved!"

You know you are pretty shitty when you receive the "Most Improved" Award for whatever activity you are participating in. I received a verbal "Most Improved" Award today with a simple compliment of "hey you're getting better!" Thanks Coach! Actually I feel like I had a really good swim workout today. Time for a little break then have a 1 hr ride still to tackle this afternoon. Legs are so sore from strength training this weekend. Man, when did I become such a pussy in the weight room!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Today is Day 1 for Miami International Tri

I hope sitting in front of the computer for 8-10 hours on Fri, Sat and Sun improves fitness.  I know my hamstrings were tight for sitting on my ass all weekend.  Last week was hell week for me.  I had final papers due for my masters.  Thank god it's almost over.
Today is Day 1 of triathlon training (serious training).  This week I get to see if I can still swim and if I still remember how to ride bike outdoors.  Gotta love the offseason!  Although I will be pissed at myself later in the week for all the Dogfishhead I drank during the offseason.
Goals this week-
1) Don't drown.
2) Don't eat too many cookies Nicole made for the Running group party.
3) Stick to the training plan!

Had a great time in Seattle! The half-marathon is a must if you live there! A great course and well organized event!  My prediction was correct... Nicole kicked my ass (Andy's too).  She rocked it!  I hit my goal of under 2hrs.  The hills kicked my ass!  How do I know this?  When my heart rate hit the 180s going up a hill at mile 6 or 7, I knew I was screwed.  I'll blame that one on Florida... alright it's my own fatass' falt.

I'm anxious to run this next year with my Pops, Mom, Nicole, Andy, Alan, Noel, Colby and Kendra!  No excuses!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Busy Week!

Had a great trip home to Seattle for Thanksgiving! So good to get together with the entire family. Nick, his wife Nicole, and I all ran the Seattle Marathon. Nick and I ran together and had a great race (him with me on the left). I will give Nicole her due credit and let everyone know she smoked us! Great job Nicole! Very proud also of my dad for surviving open heart surgery and losing 35 pounds as well as my mom for losing 20! Keep it up you two!

Lots of working out too this week. Had a great long run yesterday in the late afternoon and then a short spin on the bike. Also got in some weights. Today, had a 2 hr ride, 45 min run, and some more weights! Have a hunch I will be a little sore tomorrow.

Noel I picked up some DZ -Nuts for your stocking!!!! It will help you protect your junk in case you and Colby want to have another little one!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is this normal?

Today I brought out a spin bike from the group ex room for my workout. I tried to stay in the aero position the majority of the time. After about 30 minutes, I sat up and noticed my dick had fell asleep. It felt numb. At first, I was a little scared, but after a few seconds the feeling came back- thank god. I was wearing under armor shorts and tights, which could have played a role in blood constriction. Has this happened to you guys or is this something I should be worried about. Numb dick is a weird feeling.


Yesterday I swam at 24 hour. I'm not sure what the length of the pool is, but my focus was on controlling my breathing. I worked on the drills Andy and Nicole showed me, which helped a lot. I switched from breathing out of my nose to my mouth under water, which made a huge difference. I'm not sure how far I swam, but I went for 25 minutes, only stopping a few seconds after each length. I'm looking forward to my next session. There is a new 24 hour opening in Issaquah, which has a full 25 meter lap pool. The club looks very nice. I will probably start using that club, since it is on my way to work. Also, It was great to see you guys. I wish we could have spent more time together.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Run Day

Decided to screw the gym today and run outside even though its rainy,windy and cold here. I ran farther than I have ever run, 8 miles. Pretty proud of myself. Thanks guys for these great workouts they are obviously working. My legs were feeling it but i know i had more in me. I felt good. Counting down the days. See you soon


The Future is Coming!!!

We will start training him or her early. We got our BOB the other day. This is our first baby purchase. It should look pretty good at Boise, since it is the Ironman edition. We found it on Craigslist. They usually retail for $300-$500, but we found this one for $150. The previous owners never even ran with it.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanks Coach!

Coach Lee gave me a nice little reality check yesterday before our swim session. I mention to him that I thought swim routine was tough and wondered if he sent me the wrong one. Essentially he told me to quit be a pussy and to get in the pool! Then he proceeded to kick my ass for an hour or so. At the end of the workout though I did get a high-five from him for my first ever perfect 25 yards! Small victory. After the swim I took a little break and then hit the pavement for my scheduled 1hr 45min run. It was tough considering it was about 85 here yesterday. Man I'm sick of the heat. Today I got up and went for a 90 minute bike ride. Going to take a nap now and rest up for my 60 minute weight training session later today.

By the way, I think it's great that all four of us are running the half-marathon. No bitching out now bitches!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another week down

I swam yesterday for the second time in two months.  Come to find out... I can still swim! 
Hit a few training runs this week and will attempt an hour run on Saturday morning.  Legs feel great from all the corrective stretching and strength training, however my lungs hate me. 

Can't wait for the Seattle trip next week!  All four of us I believe are participating in the half marathon.  Don't get pissed when Nicole beats all of us.  Should be fun!


Day 1 of Boise Program

Today was the first official day on my training plan for Boise from Coach Lee. Any thoughts of easing into this went out the window when I saw my 1900 yard swim workout today. Took me an hour and kicked my ass, but I did it. Shit 1900 yards really??? Seems like that should be somewhere near January. I'm gonna make sure he knows it's a half-ironman and not the full!!! Can't wait to see you guys!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

13.1 Ft. Lauderdale!

Ran the 13.1 Ft. Lauderdale Half-Marathon this morning. Sunny skies and temps around 65-70 degrees. What a perfect morning for a race! Took it pretty easy but still cruised in under 2 hrs. Don't think my heart rate got above 145bpm thanks to the cooler temps.

I started real weight training again this week! Man was I sore. Aside from that I hit the pool a couple times, rode the bike a little and a couple short runs.

My pre-race weigh in this morning had me at 210 on my scale. I see 190 by Boise. Lean, mean, and fast!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Quads are Sooooo Sore!

I knew the severe cramping on the run Sunday was going to tear me up, and DOMS has not let me down. Definitely need to pay more attention to my fueling.

Did a 'normal' weight training routine (chest and shoulders) today for the first time in about 2 months. That's gonna hurt tomorrow too!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend in Miami

Had a great trip to Miami this weekend.  Andy, Josh, Nicole and Susan did great.  The wind was crazy and definitely gave them trouble on the bike. However, they all had great times and finished (mostly) injury free.

I hate sitting out and watching but it was great to root everyone on.  Another couple of weeks going through the motions until it's time to turn it on!

Miami Man

Raced in the Miami Man Triathlon yesterday. All in all it was a great experience. The swim was work for sure, but I felt better than expected. We had 25-30mph winds so the bike was brutal at times. The run (which I expected to be my strong leg) was disappointing. I had severe leg cramping right at the beginning. I made mistake on calorie and water intake. Not sure how I overlooked that, but I know I won't do it again. I did see some giant tortoises getting it on while running through the zoo!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You Won't See These in a Pool!

Even though it's still hot as hell down here and wetsuits may not be legal for Sunday's race I wanted to be prepared. I met my coach at BZ beach near Miami Sequarium for an open water swim lesson. He has taught me to keep my head down when I swim looking straight down. So I'm making my way from buoy to buoy and all of the sudden I see this thin black thing that looks like a coaxial cable you would hook your comcast up to your tv. The odd thing was this cable was out in front of me and appeared to be moving in same direction. I turned my head for a breath and then returned my head to focus on the bottom. That's when I realized the black cable was the tail of a huge Spotted Eagle Stingray! It scared the crap out of me. I immediately popped my head out of the water. Lee was next to me on his paddleboard laughing his ass off! I'm glad someone was amused. All said and done I had a great lesson and actually swam pretty well.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Great Recovery Week

Last week was all recovery for me.  It's tough to let hard earned fitness go, but recovery is extremely important (or at least that's what I've been telling myself).  So, I hit three strength/flexibility workouts and zippo swim, bike or runs.  I did manage to get a 6 mile run in on Saturday.  Note to self: slow your runs down during this recovery phase, especially when you took a week off from running.  Otherwise your joints will be screaming at you!

Nicole and I also took part in the Cycle Fest on Sunday.  We did the 62 mile portion.  Usually I would say I pulled her ass the whole way, but I have to admit- she kicked butt!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Did the workout today, and felt pretty good considering I was a little sick the last two days. I was planning on trying out the cycling shoes on the spin bike, but the clips did not fit. So I had to use the piece of shit stationary bike. I hate that thing. No matter how fast or hard you go, your distance is the same. I did about 22-23 miles in an hour. I don't know if it is accurate or not. Did the run outside, and my legs felt pretty good. I ran 3.65 miles in the planned 30 minutes. My heart rate was between 145-175bpm. Ran downtown Kirkland, and the weather was great, sunny and no wind. Well, going to try and get a nap in before I have to work. Later.

Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon

I decided to run the Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon this morning. The course was great, but it was still hot as balls. I haven't sweated that much in a long time. I cruised the first hour putting in 7 miles. The last 6 though my foot was really killing me. Finished at 1 hr 55 min. Not too bad for a fat boy with a stress fracture in his foot. Still have a swim left. Heading to pool at 5 or 6pm. Hoping it will be quite because of Halloween. Trick or Treat!!!

Night Vision

Went for a run the other night. This hat definitely helps see all the crap on the road. I think I run better at night, because you can't see that far in front of you. You just put your head down and run. I ran 5 miles, and did the swim workout earlier in the day. My legs felt surprisingly strong. I am debating whether to try the bike out today or do a spin class. Maybe I should try out the shoes in spin class first. I have to work tonight from 6-4. Hopefully, it will be a busy night.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Good morning guys,,,hit the pool last night. That 30 minutes kicked my ass. The only part of the workout i didn't get done in the 30 minutes was the 100 drills. I noticed that each day does get better. I'm still sucking in a shit load of water however the breathing does feel like it is getting better. Thanks for the videos Nick and Nicole,,,they are helpful. Hey Noel nice bike,,must be nice see if you can find another one. Andy nice batman suit. Well looking forward to the run today,,,gotta go to work,,i have shit birds to arrest today. later


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This the bike a friend dropped off. I have not been able to ride it yet, because I need some shoes. I don't think it has been used. It is a 2004 Krestel Talon SL. He paid $3200 for it, but may only want $1000-$1200. It had Ultegra components. The bike is pretty lights too. What do you think?

To the Winner

I think we need to come up with some sort of prize or trophy. Any ideas????

Swim Day

I had a break through swimming today. I went to the YMCA, and there pool is 100 times better than 24 hours. I used the kick board and pull buoy. My main focus was trying to get my breathing down. At first, I was getting pretty frustrated, and I'm sure the Life Guard was thinking "this guy needs some help". But toward the end I was getting it down. Next time I will work on breathing on both sides. I have to crawl to learn how to walk...right. I have not had a chance to try out the bike yet. I am waiting on the shoes. I should have them on Thursday. I am a little nervous about the click ins since I have never used them. Hopefully I don't fall and break something.


My new wetsuit finally arrived. Let's just hope this freakin' record heat disappears so the lake will cool enough to use it at MiamiMan. I need all the help I can get. What's new lately? This week I've been to the pool twice and have been on the bike a couple times. Just about to head to the treadmill for an hour run and then bike for another 30 min after. Contemplating the Ft. Lauderdale 13.1 Half-Marathon on November 15th. I'll probably use it as a training run and get a cool medal out of it. I have some info from Lee about the coaching program he is proposing for us. I will give you guys a call to discuss. Hope your training is going well bros. Later.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Off to get workout in.

I slept in today. I didn't get up until 11:15. I didn't go to bed until 2:30 though. I tried to go for the run yesterday, but my legs were still a little sore, and I was short on time. I will make it up today. I found my new theme song for the race and training. You guys will all love it. For some reason You Tube wont let me copy the link. The group is called Sick Puppies, and the song is called "You're Going Down." See if this works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2bohKixLt8. It's on bitches. Enjoy!!!!!!

Off to the gym

Well I had to work late last night trying to arrest a couple rat bastards and then helped neighbor John gut and skin his buck that he shot on his property,,LOL. Meaning,,,,,,,I wasn't able to get my run in yesterday. So,,,even though today is an off day,,,Kaylei and I are headed to the gym to make up that run day and then get in some strength training as well. Later bros


Great weekend!

Had a nice little Saturday.  Started with a 6.5 mile run at 6am followed by kicking some ass at boot camp.  I got a little nap in... so far so good.
It was Josh's birthday Saturday, so the fam went to dinner at Roy's (great restaurant).  The sushi was excellent.  After dinner is when it all fell apart.  I remember telling Nicole that if we go home now we can be in bed by 10 and be ready for a long ride in the morning.  Well, don't go to World of Beer if you are trying to go to bed early or get up early for long ride.  They have over 500 beers and it takes about 20 minutes to actually figure out what you want (World of Beer... why didn't I think of that?).  Cool place but knowing it's only a half a mile from our house scares me.  Needless to say we enjoyed a couple of IPAs and got in around 1.   We did manage to get our asses out of bed and got a 2 hour ride in.  It wasn't pretty but that's the price you pay for indulging in some hoppy goodness.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Broke in the New Trainer this Morning

Schedule called for another brick today. This time 1 hour ride and 1 hour 45 min run. Decided to stay indoors today. New trainer was nice although it seems like I'm working harder on it than I would be the road. Got off the bike then walked next door to studio and jumped on treadmill. I find that I tend to run 'angry' after I bike or run for long periods. Probably because there are so many idiots out there. It amazes me when people are running side-by-side or in a group and they don't feel the need to share the sidewalk with you. They expect you to go on the grass or in the road. Screw that. I started putting my shoulder into people. It feels good to make a nice square contact knowing that they will be feeling that for a while! It makes me smile and for a quick second I'm no longer angry! Good times.


Bike and Run

Had a great workout today. I must admit I was a little intimidated prior to the workout. I have never rode a bike for 1 1/2 hours (23 miles) and then run 2 miles. I am pretty proud of myself I did it and actually felt pretty good afterward. I definitely need to get some bike shorts my ass is pretty sore. Well as the workouts go on I see how much equipment I need just for the comfort factor. About time to start reaching deep into the wallet, Sorry kids no food for the next couple weeks. Later


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Big Brick This Morning!

Heading out for a nice long 'endurance brick' workout in a minute. On the agenda is a 3 hour bike ride and then right into a 1 hour run. As if that didn't sound fun enough the hot weather chick on channel 7 is telling me to expect heavy down pours over Key Biscayne this morning. Fun, fun fun! Let's hope I don't get hit by any third world illegals that still don't know how to drive or any gerries that can't see the damn road! Adios.


Friday, October 23, 2009

A swim, helped fix a flat, massage and a movie... that about sums it up.

Had a great swim yesterday.  Lungs feel like they are finally back.  Although, it is always a shot to the ego when duffers pass you in the pool.  What are you gonna do?  Train harder I guess.
Also had a fantastic massage with Katie.  She rocks.  My feet are TIGHT! 

It must be nice to have a someone on call when you get a flat (my wife).  Okay... she just needed some moral support. 

Nicole and I saw Race Across the Sky last night.  It was a documentary about the Leadville 100 trail ride.  Talk about some badass athletes!  Great inspiration.  It made me wonder why I live in Florida knowing I could never train for an event like that.  Plus, the video footage of the race and Colorado was amazing!  If it comes back to theaters  it is a must see (http://www.raceacrossthesky.com/). 


Thursday, October 22, 2009

NASM workout

I did the workout Nick sent me, and after looking at, I was thinking are you serious, this looks pretty easy. I remember taking my clients through the NASM workouts, and thinking they were not getting a good workout. I did 3 sets of 15 reps of the 4 exercises and was pretty tired after. I have been lacking on balance work. Well, off to go arrest some shit bags. Take care.

First Post

Just got up about an hour ago. Feel like I need to go workout for a couple of hours, since I ate an entire pizza last night. BBQ chicken...mmmmmmmmm! The biking and running are going well, but the swim needs some work. Are you suppose to swallow half the pool when you swim? Maybe that will be my strategy. Drink the water so I can just run out of the lake. The rate I'm swallowing water, that may not be far off. I really need to buy some bike shorts. I have done two spin classes the past week, and I think I'm developing a callus on my sac. Not the place I want a callus. Well, I'm waiting for Nicole to resend me the workout schedule, because the one I have does not give the specific workout for the day, just bike/run.

P.S. I'm sure you all read the email from Mom about Dad. We need to get Dad to change his habits or we are not going to have him around much longer. Talk to you guys soon.

Garmin Issues and Potential Relay Team

I think my new Garmin 310XT may have some issues with the heart rate. Last Saturday I ran 16 miles in about 2 hours and 20 minutes. According to my new toy, my average heart rate was 222 beats per minute! I either need a new heart or a new Garmin.

Have a very busy day today. First client was at 5:15am and don't finish until 8:30 tonight. Have to squeeze in an hour bike and hour run. No time to bike outside today so going to hit my spinning bike. Have to squeeze the run in later today during a short afternoon break. Probably not going to get that nap I really need.

One other note. My buddy Laz, who some of you may know is a former Navy SEAL, and I have been looking for a strong 3rd leg to form a tri-relay team just to mix it up. During boot camp the other day we met a guy who just left the SEAL teams as well. We are thinking the new guy will do the swim, I will do the bike, and Laz the run. Should be a very strong combo. Laz suggested we call our team "2 TEAM GUYS AND A TURD". I'm not sure if I like that.

Strength day

All strength and flexibility yesterday.  Wanted to get a bike in but teaching the boot camp and sticking around for Nicole's women's running group makes for a long day. 
I will admit I slacked on my strength training while training for the Augusta 70.3.  However, after 4 weeks of a great strength routine everything is feeling good.  It's definitely made my runs stronger. 

Foam rolling kicks my ass!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another great workout

Headed to the gym today with the knuckleheads,,,yes Kyler and Kaylei they have there very own memberships as well. Except theres is only good for the playcenter...LOL. Yes Nick it seems to have rained all day today. We dont really get the luxury of working out outside like some people we know. Had another great work, interval running for 3 miles as well as my regular strengh training. It was pretty easy but again sweated my ass off. Oh yeah any one need a little extra fat, it seems to be melting away with these workouts. It kicks ass.

Squeezed in a Run

Had a nice little 5 mile run with Nicole and Sara Lauzze last night.  Damn Sara is fast!  The weather was perfect.  I have to admit,  it pays to live here this time of the year if you are training for a triathlon.
I almost feel bad for Noel and Alan training in Seattle.  I think it was 55 there yesterday.  :)


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cold Front in Miami

It looks like today is the last day of cool weather before we head back up near 90. With record lows of about 60 degrees in Miami the last couple of days, I decided to order a bike trainer today. I'm officially a puss now! Oh well whatever keeps you consistent right! It looks like we just broke 75 degrees so I'm venturing out for a little jog. My training program calls for a 42-min 'embarrassingly slow' pace. Is there any other kind?!!!

Back to the Pool I go

Had a solid swim today.  I can tell I've lost some lung capacity since the time off from Augusta 70.3.  I have only swam three times since... ouch!
I will be on track this week.  The next month or two will be off-season training, so my emphasis will be on core, balance, strength and flexibility training.  Gotta get the body working properly/efficiently for the long tri season next year.  Bring it on Bros!
