Saturday, May 15, 2010

Knee and ankle update

Not sure if you all know about my knee problems are not. I have had some knee swelling and calf pain for the past month or so, but I was still able to bike and run. I just thought it was a strain. I was more frustrated than concerned. The day after Teagin was born, I put some shorts on and looked down at my ankle and noticed it looked like Colby's. I couldn't even see my ankle bone. I also had cankles. I was a little concerned, but was more focused on Teagin. When we came home on Monday, the swelling was still there and I think a little worse. By Tuesday I noticed some bruising on the inside of my ankle (See photos). That started to concern me. I made a doctors appointment the next hour.

I explained to the doctor what was going on, and she thought it was either a ruptured Bakers cyst or a blood clot. The Bakers cyst was nothing to worry about, but the blood clot was. So she had me get a ultrasound. The ultrasound did not show either. There was some fluid in my knee and my calf.

I have another doctors appointment on Monday with the rheumotologist. Maybe he can figure out what is going on. I don't think it is arthritis related. I think I tore or strained something in my knee or calf. If so, I go see a Sports Medicine Doc.

I also have my ECHO on Wednesday. God, I sound like I'm 80 years old. Hopefully everything checks out, but if not I may not beable to do the 70.3. I just want to give you guys a heads up, so you all know what is going on are not pissed if I can't race in June.

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