Had a nice little Saturday. Started with a 6.5 mile run at 6am followed by kicking some ass at boot camp. I got a little nap in... so far so good.
It was Josh's birthday Saturday, so the fam went to dinner at Roy's (great restaurant). The sushi was excellent. After dinner is when it all fell apart. I remember telling Nicole that if we go home now we can be in bed by 10 and be ready for a long ride in the morning. Well, don't go to World of Beer if you are trying to go to bed early or get up early for long ride. They have over 500 beers and it takes about 20 minutes to actually figure out what you want (World of Beer... why didn't I think of that?). Cool place but knowing it's only a half a mile from our house scares me. Needless to say we enjoyed a couple of IPAs and got in around 1. We did manage to get our asses out of bed and got a 2 hour ride in. It wasn't pretty but that's the price you pay for indulging in some hoppy goodness.
Now we don't have to go to Urban Flats every time I'm up there! Can't wait to come do some sampling!